First Christmas Away

        It's my first Christmas Day away from my family and, more than anything, it's a different volume: Amanda, her one brother, and parents never approach half the average volume of the Iseman family zoo. I opted to get lost in Big Bend National Park instead of paying mi familia a visit over Thanksgiving, so I definitely need to see the parents and as many siblings as I can corral into one town soon. I miss them because I haven't seen them; other than the fact that my aunt lit her bathrobe on fire while trying to cook breakfast yesterday, there's nothing particularly impactful about the specific day.
        On the other side of the world from them and 14 hours ahead in time, it's also a warmer Christmas than I've ever had: a good 60+ Fahrenheit all day, unlike Pennsylvania's typical winter cold.
        As always, it's a lazy, high-calorie day. We barely leave the apartment and eat to beyond full. All in all, a different but good Christmas.

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