Another nice, touristy day. Nothing too trying as I slept in late before biking randomly around. First discovery was Regent’s Park, a nice, big area fairly close to my house. It’s got a ton of soccer fields, trails for me to ride/run, beautiful gardens, and even the London Zoo.
Random biking next got me to Leicester Square, which is one of my favorite places in London. There’s always crowds of people there; today was some Chinese holiday celebration. Combined with the usual crowds for the cafes, shops, and theaters, the square was especially bustling. Lots to do here, and it’s also just a lively, energetic place to wonder through.
Zigzagged downtown to another favorite location: Trafalgar Square. I saw an anti-racism protest there last week; this week was the London Comedy Festival. Apparently, mayors everywhere love getting free PR: the Mayor of London spoke this week and last. I’m not a British comedy fanatic, to say the least: all 3 acts left something to be desired. The slapstick of one act was funny, but the old lady rapping and the people in spring outfits performing an abstraction of the mating ritual that resulted in a baby spring popping out both left me wishing for my usual Sunday humor of Simpsons and Malcolm in the Middle.
One thing I’ve learned for sure today: I’ve chosen an effective way of getting around London. The cheap red road bike is too ugly to steal but burns rubber: I’ve left it unattended and unlocked several times now with no problems and it’s quick enough that I’d be in the running in a race against your average London cab. Yeah, I’m still unemployed, but I’m faster than your average bum.