
        Aliens crash their spaceship in the woods of Maine. Central characters of monikers including Jonesey, Duddits, and Mr. Gray. Telepathy, and strange stomach bugs officially called byrums but nicknamed shit-weasels. A b-movie? Not yet, but don’t rule out the future possibility. It’s my excuse why journal entries have been terse lately, more commonly known as Stephen King’s “Dreamcatcher.” The plot’s ridiculous at cursory glance, but King manages to make the typical sci-fi movie into something I didn’t want to put down.
        So, my big event for today is finishing “Dreamcatcher.” I know this doesn’t sound as exotic as touring another stuffy old castle, but it’s still a pretty decent adventure. It’s pitiful that this is only the second book I’ve read this summer, but I’ve got awhile yet, time to take more escapes from an escape. London’s nice, but sometimes you need a little bit of parasitic telepathic aliens thrown into your daily mix.

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