Hi Phil,
Not much up here: just a little frustrated at the average American, that’s all.
I really didn’t think that fuck would manage to trick you and so many other people again, but he did, and in record numbers.
With 4 million votes more than the last election, George W. Bush truly has a mandate from the American people.
You’ll have all sorts of exciting things to look forward to in term number 2:
- appointment of multiple supreme court justices. Adios to Roe v. Wade, and bill of rights pared down to a more manageable six (don’t worry, you’ll definitely keep your gun)
- a cold draft blowing throughout the nation, and not just this “back-door” stuff. After another terrorist attack and some cowboy posturing against Iran, expect your boys to be involuntarily exposed to a little Arabic.
- loss of what remaining world prestige we have. From troop pullouts in iraq (for the few remaining countries foolish enough to be there with us) to formation of great institutions like the international criminal court, expect people everywhere to care less about what the u.s. wants.
- weaker democrats. With Daschle defeated, congress will be so scared that it redefines “rubber-stamp.”
- in fact, overall weaker opposition. Why should I bother starting a protest movement when I’ll definitely be corralled into “designated free-speech areas” (my experience while protesting the RNC) and can legally be disappeared via that misnomered little law called the patriot act?
- smaller government in a big way. Y’all don’t want them pesky Washington bureaucrats doing silly things like providing health insurance or quality public education to the wrong people. Healthy, smart citizenries are harder to keep apathetic, after all…
- a glut of god. Prayer in public schools? Expect the debate 3 years from now to be not whether it’s allowed but how many times a day it should occur.
- privatization, privatization, and more privatization. Plenty of connected coffers need filled with things like social security monies, making for all types of fun investment opportunities for all the right people.
In short, 4 more years. You ain’t seen nothing yet: I can’t think of any administration that’s done anything but swing away from the middle and towards its base in its second term.
Empires crumble. I’m sure the first people seeing Rome falter sounded silly too and I hope I’m wrong, but I’ve got a bad feeling I’m not.
The good news? I can move farther for less than anyone ever before. America may enter a period of decline, but that doesn’t mean me and those I care about have to go with it. I’m not just talking about the prototypical “move to Canada," either: from my own travels, I can honestly say I’d rather be in India or Ghana right now, not to mention Costa Rica or Western Europe. Even if I’m making half as much as I would here living in *gasp* France, I’d be proud of my country and have health care considered a right, not a privilege. I know of at least one other Ivy Leaguer planning on doing the same; for the sake of your economy, you better hope we’re the only ones.
Sorry about the length of this rant, but I hope it at least partially explains why I just might turn down my well-paying job offer and jump ship on project America.
Have a good one,